Unlock your potential


Unlocking your potential means bringing out the gifts you were born with.

Boost your enthusiasm. Tune into your intuition.  Let go of ‘stuff’ and unclutter your mind. This will make it easier to overcome mental obstacles.

There are four tips for each star sign, but don’t restrickt yourself to your own sign. Browse through all of them and look for inspiration.

Enjoy! :-)


Unlock your potential

No More Frogs - Aries

Aries | 21 March - 20 April
The fast 4-ward

1. If you miss the bus, jump on the next one. Don’t kick yourself for missing out on an opportunity. Turn it into something positive. A slight delay will give you a chance to go through the details thoroughly.
2. Don't fill your days with activity just for the sake of it. Make sure there is a purpose behind what you are doing.
3. Practice the fine art of patience. Energy rules your life and waiting is not really your thing. Practice being mindful of the present. It will help you slow down when you need to.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others. There will always be competition out there. Do your thing - do it with your own twist!

No More Frogs - Taurus

Taurus | 21 April - 20 May
The fast 4-ward

1. Set short term goals and use them as stepping stones towards what you want to achieve. If the steps are too far apart it’ll be difficult to keep your focus.
2. Grant yourself a treat when you have reach one of your goals. Acknowledge your effort and be proud of yourself.
3. Dare to venture out of your comfort zone. If you keep doing what you’ve always been doing, don’t expect any changes. Be a little gutsy. Turn that tingling uneasiness into excitement.
4. If you feel stuck, learn something new. It could be anything; Japanese paper art, Crossfit training, Cocktail mixing …anything that will awaken your senses and spark your interest. One thing will lead to another.

No More Frogs - Gemini

Gemini | 21 May - 20 June
The fast 4-ward

1. Your attitude is essential. It can make or break a project. Get all the facts before making your mind up.
2. Focus on your inner dialogue. What’s your story? If you’re not quite sure, then listen. What you tell yourself will influence your relationship with others.
3. Combine planning with impulsiveness. Spontaneity alone can make you take off in all sorts of directons which will lead you nowhere.
4. Stick to one project at the time when dealing with other people. This also applies to your romantic and sensual life.

No More Frogs - Cancer

Cancer | 21 June - 22 July
The fast 4-ward

1. Sort out your priorities. Don’t waste time and energy on details and stuff with no or little importance.
2. Keep an eye on the end result. What do you want to achieve.
3. Choose the right soundtrack. Your feelings are the soundtrack in your life. They will influence your life – but how is up to you. You are the only who’s in control your feelings. Don’t leave the responsibility to others.
4. Respect yourself - always! Don’t just think it, do it. Imagine being around a person you truly admire. How would you treat him. How would you act around him? Now turn that person into YOU and give yourself the respect you deserve!

No More Frogs - Leo

Leo | 23 July - 22 August
The fast 4-ward

1. Do research. Increase your knowledge. Make sure that your ideas and dreams are backed up by information. A solid fundament can turn dreams and ideas into plans and success.
2. Organize your days. Don’t allow silly trifles to limit your energetic drive. Empty the wastepaper basket before its full.
3. Take time to think about what really makes you happy. Be honest about it. Don’t focus on what you anticipate other people may appreciate about you.
4. If you are going to take a shortcut, make sure it’s worth it. Don’t mess up a good opportunity by holding back on effort and commitment.

No More Frogs - Virgo

Virgo | 23 August - 22 September
The fast 4-ward

1. Focus on your strengths and what you’re really good at.
2. Be aware of negative thinking. Keep a positive spotlight on yourself. Don’t be shy - especially not towards yourself. Practice praising yourself!
3. Don’t limit yourself. Don’t think anything is out of reach. Open the door. If you don’t have the key, go and look for it. Team up with people who can help you realize your dreams.
4. Lift yourself up. Don’t let other people take credit for your work, ideas, energy - or whatever positivity you have brought to the table. Make music! Blow your own trumpet!

No More Frogs - Libra

Libra | 23 September - 22 October
The fast 4-ward

1. Don’t worry about making the wrong decision. You’re smart - cut through and go for it! If things don’t work out, then you’ve gained an experience. Experiences are one of the currencies of life - making you richer.
2. Spontaneity can open new doors for you. Try doing something at the spur of the moment, something you’d normally plan in advance. This can make you more confident.
3. Don’t confuse ‘realistic’ with all the things that can actually be achieved. Think about it. All big achievements have been made despite the fact that they were not ‘realistic’ - think the first plane, the first car… the first everything.
4. Don’t worry if you don’t get the feedback you are looking for. We cannot please everybody - it’s impossible.

No More Frogs - Scorpio

Scorpio | 23 October - 21 November
The fast 4-ward

1. Let go. Embrace freedom. Strength will come to you when you no longer feel the need to possess things, people or emotions.
2. Include other people in your puzzles, no matter how big or small. If you insist on creating the image on your own, you may overlook a few pieces. Being secretive can make it difficult for you to get where you want to go. Communicate and make sure people don’t get the wrong idea.
3. Bring good things into your life by directing your thoughts and actions in a positive direction. There is no such thing as a fixed reality. You are in charge. You can make a difference!
4. Let go of the past. Let go of resentment and grudges. Free yourself from negative emotions. Take a deep breath and look ahead.

No More Frogs - Sagittarius

Sagittarius | 22 November - 21 December
The fast 4-ward

1. Surround yourself with people who support your optimism as well as reminding you to keep your feet on the ground. Stay away from naysayers.
2. Be patient. Don’t give up too quickly. Persistence can make you more conscious about what you’re trying to achieve and carry you towards success.
3. Don’t be afraid to change your goals, but don’t change them every day. Give them time to mature. Give yourself time to think about it. Adjust the course as you go along.
4. Be conscious about what distracts you. If the distraction is something which is appealing to you, then set aside time to indulge and don’t let temptation nudge you when you should focus on other things.

No More Frogs - Capricorn

Capricorn | 22 December - 19 January
The fast 4-ward

1. Add more colours to your palette. Adding a little spice to your everyday life may awaken your senses and give you a wider perspective.
2. Don’t be afraid of getting directions from other people. Learn from the ones who have been walking along different shores than you.
3. Do something out for the ordinary. Try something even though it may come across as a little weird. Challenge the barriers of your mind.
4. See the big picture. Step back and look at the overall progress. Where are you and where du you need to go. Did you overlook something along the way?

No More Frogs - Aquarius

Aquarius | 20 January - 18 February
The fast 4-ward

1. Include other people in your life and contribute with attention, ideas and support. Try looking at yourself from the outside.
2. Write things down. Don’t let your amazing ideas drift away. Keep them in a journal and look back on them for inspiration. They may not seem relevant today, but they may have a positive impact in the future.
3. Change one small habit that you’re not really pleased with and notice how this increases your confidence. When you have mastered one thing, it’s a lot easier to take on something a little more challenging.
4. Don’t look for the perfect answer. Build on your experiences. Allow the image to come to life at its own pace.

No More Frogs - Pisces

Pisces | 19 February - 20 March
The fast 4-ward

1. Invest in yourself, not just others. Never leave yourself behind. Growing benefits everybody.
2. Be conscious about what you’re doing. Doing something out of habit will always be just a habit. Put thought behind your actions and ask yourself WHY you are doing it. If you cannot come up with a good answer, it’s time to change course.
3. Push through. Don’t be discouraged by temporary set-backs. Never give in to people who claim ‘you’ll never do it’. Use this as inspiration and prove them wrong.
4. If you are dragging your feet and procrastinating, ask yourself why. If you’re just being lazy, then get up and get going. If something is troubling you, seek advice.


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